Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This study will show that Christ's second coming will be marked visibly by clouds, darkness and earthquakes and will be seen by everyone in the world. During this same time period, Satan will be cast out of heaven onto the earth (refer to Satan god of this world topic). When Satan is cast out of heaven it will also be a dark and cloudy day. When Christ taught his disciples roughly 2,000 years ago, they asked him what would be the sign of his coming and of the end of the world. Christ explained that he would come in the clouds. The sign of Christ's presence is a dark and cloudy day and every one on the earth will see his coming.

Satan kicked out

Hebrews 1: 13 God said to sit on His right hand until He makes thine enemies thy footstool.

Mark 16:19 shows that Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Also, in Isaiah 66:1, the Lord says, "The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. . ."

Ezekiel 32: 7-8 When Satan is cast out of heaven, the stars will be dark, the sun will be covered with a cloud and there will be no moonlight.

Revelation 12: 7-12 There is a war in heaven. Satan and his angels are cast out onto the earth (footstool) for a short time.

Sign of Christ's Presence

Matthew 24: 3, 29-30 The disciples ask Christ three questions here. We will focus on one of these - what is the sign of thy coming? The sun, moon and stars will be darkened and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven. All tribes of the earth shall mourn when they see the sign of the Son of man coming in the clouds.

Acts 1: 9-11 Christ will come in the clouds in the same manner as he left, when he returned to heaven after his resurrection.

Revelation 1: 7 He comes in the clouds and every eye shall see him. All the kindred's on the earth will wail because of Him.

Amos 8: 9 God will cause the sun to go down at noon and he will darken the earth in the clear day.

Revelation 6: 12-17 At the 6th seal there will be a great earthquake. The sun will be black and the moon as blood. Every mountain and island will be moved out of their place. The wrath of the Lamb is come.

Luke 21: 25-27 Signs in the sun, moon and stars, distress of nations upon the whole earth. Son of man comes in the clouds with power and great glory.

Mark 13: 23-26 The sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light. The powers in heaven shall be shaken. This parallels the war in heaven between Satan and Christ when Satan is cast to the earth. Then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds.


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